11 States That Tax Social Security Benefits

Not all retirees who live in states that tax Social Security benefits have to pay state income taxes. Will your benefits be taxed?

Social security card and US dollars cash money on white. Social security benefits.
(Image credit: Getty Images)

It’s becoming less common for states to tax Social Security benefits, but 11 states still do. However, the tax treatment of Social Security can vary drastically from state to state. That’s mainly because many of these states won’t tax your Social Security if you meet specific income guidelines, and some states have more generous guidelines than others. 

So, here’s how all 11 states tax Social Security retirement income.

Katelyn Washington
Tax Writer

Katelyn has more than 6 years’ experience working in tax and finance. While she specializes in tax content, Katelyn has also written for digital publications on topics including insurance, retirement and financial planning and has had financial advice commissioned by national print publications. She believes that knowledge is the key to success and enjoys helping others reach their goals by providing content that educates and informs.